Saturday, November 27, 2010

more pics again

Just finished walking back from my first day of the market.   It snowed all night and the walk outside to the market was beautiful.  The market was kind of slow, probably because it was very cold and snowed almost all day.  It is suppose to be a little "warmer" tomorrow.   

The walk back to the apartments today was fun!  Well at least I thought it was fun.  The route home involves some hills and bridges.  People were slipping and sliding all over the place.  Someone slid backward down an icy hill (I will not mention their name for privacy purposes.).  No one was hurt. I thought it was really funny.   I was laughing so hard I almost didn't maket it up the hill myself.

I took pictures of the chalets today.

Annie with All Tied up and Edie Varnado with Camp Topisaw

Margo Rosa's Booth.  She is my neighbor and she is
really hilarious.  I have enjoyed meeting her.  She has
been doing Jazz Fest for a million years.

Joshua Lee, it is weird taking a picture of a photographer.

Oscar of New Orleans. He is famous.

Forrest working on the Montbeliard Sans Soucci Gallery.  Forrest speaks
French and he has really helped us communicate with the festival
coordinators.  He also likes playing in the snow.

Meghan Barra and her chalet.  I need to get
closer pictures of her work, because it is very beautiful.


Anonymous said...

Loved the pics and blog. Y'all must have been a sight, trying to navigate the icy terrain - perhaps amusing the locals.


Anonymous said...

I could send you a pair of grippers for your shoes that I found at Grandma Peggy's house.

Please post a pic of yourself in your chalet.

What do you eat? Do you get breaks during the day? How are your goods kept safe when you're not in the chalet?

Anonymous said...

Bea, thanks for taking and posting pics for all of us back in Cajun Country!! Enjoy hearing and seeing what your days and nights are like, enjoying the sights and sounds at le Marche' etc. And particularly, loved seeing our sister dancing! (Tee Hee) Thanks!
tell Megan to take a pic of you in your chalet so we can see you too!